02-15-2003, 02:16 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
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Americans all grew up with the belief that what we say as citizens affects aspects of our government. We as citizens can influence our government by speaking out. "For the people, by the people...."
It's not surprising in the least that we have people protesting the war. It's part of our belief as Americans that we can do something. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. It's our right as Americans to protest.
Roe vs. Wade made abortions legal.
The civil rights and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Lobbyist put pressure on our government all the time for various issues.
Farm-Aid raised funds for the farmers in the MidWest.
Vietnam War was protested. The draft was a major issue.
There's issues with the homeless in America.
HealthCare issues.
People protest when the KKK makes an appearance.
Strippers protested against club owners for wage issues, benefit issues, working conditions...
Whether the protesters are misinformed, zealots, whatever...., it's still their right to protest. Will it make a difference? Who knows?
What happens if we do go to war? What happens if we don't go to war? I guarantee we aren't being told what is really going on. They tell us what they want us to hear to push the Governments own agenda.
