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Old 02-15-2003, 02:42 PM   #11
pornodoggy should edit this
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Originally posted by XXXManager
Nope. If they cared about other people's lives - they would protest daily about all wrongs and suffering happening in the world or go and vulanteer in some organization.
They don't know anything about the war or the situation. They just walk the streets with signs say war-is-bad or bush-is-a-killer. Most of it is pure ignorance.
Many of them say that their objection is that it is not THEIR war - and that is why they should stay away. Thats dumb - but its their right.
Most of it is pure ignorance? Hmmm ... are they ignorant, or are you arrogant? Before I start, let me tell you that I think we ought to go in and clean up the mess known as Saddam.

Look ... for every war protester who is out because they think Bush is a killer there are three folks in the U.S. who couldn't tell you the difference between the Bathe party and alQaida, or between Iraq and Iran, and believe the fantasy that the U.S. is going to go in, win the war in two weeks (which hopefully they will), establish democracy in four, make the world safe from terrorism in six, and that the war will magically make Israel secure in eight. They don't realize that some of the kids starting middle school today will be going to Iraq someday, in the same sort of Senior Trip that Grandpa took to Germany in the 50s - let's just pray it's not like that same trip could have been in the 60s.

Bunch of dummies.

Send them all off to France!
Bad news, bro ... you can't do that. It's that whole silly freedom of speech thing. If they really bother you that much, maybe YOU should go someplace where it doesn't happen. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Cuba ... they don't have to put up with dummies like that.
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