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Old 02-15-2003, 04:25 PM   #14
pornodoggy should edit this
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Originally posted by MegaGiga
They are a combination of..

Hardcore protestors that will go on any demo just to a) make trouble or b) give themselves a reason to exist

Misguided or naive people that only know one side of the story

People with nothing better to do (jobless etc) - who would turn down a free trip to london?

Aging 60's hippy, flower power people trying to recapture the good old days..

Children of the above hippies..

Students - will protest against any government policy.. always end up in the student union bar afterwards drinking themselves into oblivion while congratulating each other for changing the world..

Sheep.. just following the crowd, they have no idea why..
It's funny ... I'm in favor of the war, and I just don't see it that way. Yeppers, there sure are some of all of the above out there opposing the war. Danny_C was right - you forgot the people who care about the lives of others, and they make up the majority of protesters.

But there are just as many "sheep" blindly following everything the government tells them. There are just as many "sheep" out there who are too simple-minded to understand that different people can come to different conclusions after thoughtfully analyzing the same information. There are just as many "sheep" out there who blindly buy into the idea that America has a right to impose its will on other countries, that diplomacy is for pussies, and war will solve everything (besides, war on CNN makes a good alternative to reruns of Cops).
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