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Old 02-15-2003, 07:39 PM   #15
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by pornodoggy
Danny_C was right - you forgot the people who care about the lives of others, and they make up the majority of protesters.
He didnt forget them. He listed them high in his list - the group he described as: Misguided or naive people that only know one side of the story
Originally posted by pornodoggy
But there are just as many "sheep" blindly following everything the government tells them. There are just as many "sheep" out there who are too simple-minded to understand that different people can come to different conclusions after thoughtfully analyzing the same information. There are just as many "sheep" out there who blindly buy into the idea that America has a right to impose its will on other countries, that diplomacy is for pussies, and war will solve everything (besides, war on CNN makes a good alternative to reruns of Cops).
True - but I didn't ask about them and no one isshowing on TV demonstrations PRO-war like its significant issue of importance.

I am not arrogant, I just know what I am talking about. And just to make sure we are on the same discussion - it wasnt be who suggested to send then to France.

BUT what I think about the protestors is that - TOTAL BULLSHIT.
They care about what? The Iraqis that might die in the bombing?
Is dying by a bomb is worse than dying of starvation? or by torture for acting againts the dictator? Or live life or fear as a Curd or dying of mustard gas?
Since you are also pro war - explain the logics in opposing an act of force against a mecriless dictator who kills his opponents, enslaves his people, builds up weapons and arsenals for war instead of feeding his people and promoting peace?

I heard about 30-40 people intreviewed about why they protested in UK today and their resoning is FUCKEN LAME! I am willing to hear someone knowledgable expresses his thoughts and ideas about it - but judging statistically - most of the million that protested today don't know shit and protest cause they have nothing better to do.

Clarification: I have nothing against their protest. I think it should be encouraged in a society to have multitude of opinions and free-speech should be protected. We had protests in Israel against the war as well. That is not something negative. But the question is still there - why do they bother??
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