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Old 02-15-2003, 09:12 PM   #17
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by pornodoggy
Sorry ... meant to attribute the quote about sending them to France, but forgot. Still, someone who claims he is not arrogant doesn't due much for his argument by making statements like
AGAIN you supposedly quote me on something I didn't say. Check what you quote man. Its not nice to say I said something which I didn't. Plase try to refrain from that.

What I did say is: "They don't know anything about the war or the situation". I believe (to the degree on "knowing") that 99.9% of the people protesting do not know enough to answer 9 out or 10 questions I will throw at them. AND I listened as I said, to their arguments. That is why I feel I can say that.

True - what you described as alternate logic is also naive - I would even call it stupid. But that has nothing to do with this war. This war does not "claim" to be a magic cure. It is maybe a necessity in a way. War that is immenent.

Originally posted by pornodoggy The Palestinians don't have much to do with Saddam.[/b]
That is not a correct statement.
Originally posted by pornodoggy
As hard as this Administration has been trying to prove it, al Qaeda doesn't have much to do with Saddam. [/b]
Where do you come with this knowladge? Because Tarek Aziz said so?
Originally posted by pornodoggy
The United States is getting ready to go into a region that could...
I would prefer my government act a lot less unilaterally.
You portray this a little bit like they want to. Some things in life (including wars sometimes) are a necessity - as hard as it is to admit.
Yes - of couse it would be better this war was a concensus of all the world but its US is not alone there - very much not - and frankly, it DOES NOT MATTER. Israel unilaterally took out the nuclear reactor in Iraq in 81. You most probably owe your grandchildren lives to that act.
In that same aspect N.Korea is a problem.
Originally posted by pornodoggy
You'll forgive me if I'm not overwhelmingly enthusiastic about it. [/b]
You don't need my forgiveness. No one should be happy about wars. Its like tax - sad but true.
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