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Old 02-16-2003, 03:07 PM   #5
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Post your favorite cars

Originally posted by HQ
Thanks, Mister X. The insert image button, "IMG", should be recoded, as that's the purpose of that button. Making it show up as a URL defeats the purpose of using the button!
You're welcome dude. Damn that's a nice car by the way!

As I understand it the IMG buttons don't work if html is turned on in the forums. I suppose they really should code it so that it either inserts standard html or disappears or something. It's not very obvious the way it is... lol. But if you look at the little box below the message entry window it says "HTML code is ON" and "[IMG] code is OFF". So it doesn't actually "make" it appear as a url if you use it. It's just ignoring those tags completely and what's left is the url.
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