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Old 02-16-2003, 10:54 PM   #21
Pidgin should edit this
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How do you propose to implement this economy building, education, PR, .... in Iraq? Ask Saddam to do it for us? (after all he for sure want his people to be happy. right? thats why he uses the money from fuel to buy food rather than weapons and develop science and politics rather than stregthen his dictatorship). I don't think you realize the power of dictators and terrorism. Ask yourself how come all these dictators are in power for so long even though their people are suffering so much - in so many dictatorships around the world.

As to you believing that if US be all positive and do "everything right" it can't fail - I guess I am in a different opinion living in a coutry that already dealt with a dictator who failed to act by your logics and drew his people back into poverty and war instead of educating them and improving their lives terrorising his opposition and taking all the money intended for his people and put it in his swiss bank account in and buying weapons with it.

I know its hard and painful to wake up to that realization. I've been through this process. You will too (actually you should already have on 9/11 - but maybe you think you didn't try hard enough to be holy)
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