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Old 02-17-2003, 08:50 AM   #22
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Originally posted by Panky
[b][color=pink] Americans all grew up with the belief that what we say as citizens affects aspects of our government. We as citizens can influence our government by speaking out. "For the people, by the people...."

What happens if we do go to war? What happens if we don't go to war? I guarantee we aren't being told what is really going on. They tell us what they want us to hear to push the Governments own agenda.
I completely agre with Panky on his last statement. I have watched avidly all the news on this proposed war and on the battle against the al qaeda.. I do not believe we are being given the entire story..

The protestors are out there protesting something they do not believe in. Regardless of their reasons, they are opposed to this war and are finding a means to have that heard!!

Saddam is a leader who has imprisoned "his people" but it is not up to one or two zealot governements to decide he must be dealt with ASAP and at a violent end, it is up to the UN and a majority vote amoungst the permanent members.

Let's face it, US foreigh policy has always been questionable, especially when the republicans are in power.. and this time they are only in power because of a botched voting system.. Why was the UN adopted if a couple of world leaders could over throw their power and do as they please, does that not leave room then for any country to do as it pleases and defy world law. Is that not what this is supposedly about, Saddam obeying world law,

hmmm, and dont be fooled into thinking that people are not starving and dying in the streets of the US or Britain.. Maybe before the US goes jumping into something so HUGE they should take care of bidness at home!!!

FYI - (in case you did not figure it out) I am against war unless it is a complete last resort and there is immennent danger. War will NOT stop terrorist attacks or change what happened 9/11.. I think it is great that people protest .. whatever their reasons, if they dont believe somethign is right, then let them have their say!!!
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