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Old 02-17-2003, 11:53 AM   #26
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by dyonisus
(1).. I do not believe we are being given the entire story.. The protestors are out there protesting something they do not believe in.
(2)..but it is not up to one or two zealot governements to decide he must be dealt with ASAP and at a violent end, it is up to the UN and a majority vote amoungst the permanent members.
(3)hmmm, and dont be fooled into thinking that people are not starving and dying in the streets of the US or Britain..
(4)FYI - (in case you did not figure it out) I am against war unless it is a complete last resort and there is immennent danger. War will NOT stop terrorist attacks or change what happened 9/11..
(5)I think it is great that people protest .. whatever their reasons, if they dont believe somethign is right, then let them have their say!!!
(1) We never are. BUT there is much more than you know lying infront of you to read - you seem to not be aware to a lot of it. You seem to base your theories on facts while missing alot of essentials.. like the next point and others..
(2) "one or two zealot governements": There are much more than one or two governments. If you bothered yourself with listening or reading you would know that. The UN is a joke. If anything I would say that: "Its not up to economical concerns of 3,4 governments to stop the UN from making the right descision" (Those being China[who sells alot of weapons and weapon technoloy to Iraq], France and Germany [which have exports and oil imports intrests with Iraq] and Russia [which invested greatly in the oil industry in Iraq]). The fact that these countries have veto rights is the only reason US is not pushing for a descision yet - otherwise it would have passed by a majority.
(3) You seem to be failing to see the magnitudes. (Also, there is a difference between being poor and being poor and tortured.)
(4) (I figured you are) Its already a last resort. It has been a last resort for 20 years. You are blinding yourself with rethorics. Saddam is a dictator. Never in the history a ruthless dictator (like Saddam) said "OK, I had enough, lets set up a democracy". Its a last resort because for 12 years there has been foolish attempts to do something that smart people would tell you its a futile attempt in the first place. But whatever - we tried, 12 years and been fooled around.
(5) If you would read my posts you would see that I embrace their right to protest and voice their opinion even if I think its wrong. I dont have to agree with them just because they have a right to protest - do I?
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