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Old 02-17-2003, 12:11 PM   #27
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by Danny_C
(1)Whose post did you read?
(2)...But you know what: we don't need to do anything within Iraq, because terrorism isn't coming from Iraq.
(3) As for the weapons of mass destruction... none have been found, and I doubt any will be.
(4)I definitely don't believe in slaughtering civilians on the basis of a suspicion.
(5)"As to you believing that if US be all positive and do "everything right" it can't fail..." I said this? I said that much more good can be done with positive action than with bombings. Don't misquote me.
(6) Well, I'm an atheist, not worried about being "holy". also realist, so "waking up" won't happen.
(7) In fact, I could argue that 9/11 woke me up to the fact that there can be severe consequences to foreign policies that lack compassion for people.
(1) Yours - the one with the flower kid
(2) MUHAHA - How did you become such an expert in the matter when all the intelligence agencies say otherwise? Cause you heard Saddam say that when some briton interviewed him? Fact man, facts - its a bitch I know - but they point to a different story.
(3) They have been found on the bodies of people he killed in the Iraq/Iran war. It has been found when Israel bombed is nueclear reactor in 81. It has been found when he imported materials needed for atomic weapons.
As to the inspectors ever finding any? I agree with you - none will ever be found by them (or maybe accidentaly will) - thats why they don't worth shit. Inspectors can not operate in Iraq in their current form. They are useless
(4) Who does? You seem to not see the bigger picture and the real reason this war is immenent
(5)And I said that even if they do EVERYTHING right you will probably be very disappointed about the outcome. Which relates to point (7)
(6) I hardly meant "holy" in the religious sense. As to waking up - thats my belief - you are still a long way from waking up. It will happen (imho) since reality didn't hit you hard enough yet.
(7) Thats what I mean "holy". Don't give me more of this "globalization" and "US bully" BS.
btw I'm not from the US but from Israel - so I'm not even protecting anything which I have interestes in.. BUT lets say tomorrow 2 planes would crash into EmpireState and Chrysler buildings, and you realized that an Israeli group called "El-kaka" did it because they are unhappy about fact that US didn't transfer enough funds to Israel or because US pushed Israel into negotiations with the palestinians which cause alot of hard to Israel.
Would you say - "poor Israelis what did we "evil US" did to them. lets give them more funds and throw PR and food at them cause they must hate us for a good reason"?
In fact - if "El-kaka" would take a plane and crash it into the middle of the people in Meca killing hundrads of Muslims - saying it was done because they hate Israel and call for its destruction - would you say "Poor Israelis - look what those Muslims pushed them to do. The muslims should say their sorry"?
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