My not-so-guilty pleasure is historical romances. I've probably read tens of thousands in the past 30 years.
I've got tons of these around the house and I burn through them like mad. Once I've started a romance novel, I simply can't put it down and I have to read straight through to the end.
My best friend is an addict as well. She's in Boston and I'm in Montreal, so we don't see each other that often, but when we do get together we always trade at least a few large boxes full of books.
I also find the younger generation's extensive use of bastardized shorthand ("r u going to break up with ur bf?") annoying and almost a sacrilege.
There's an ever-increasing (but already large) number of older folks extensively over-using bad net slang (especially those that are new to the net and trying to fit with the "in crowd").
This misuse of language drives me crazy as well. I'll often use certain acronyms (e.g. LOL, ROTFL, IMO), but rarely -if ever- will I use something like "ur" or "str8." Generally speaking though, I'm very much a language purist. My co-workers call me the "Grammar Nazi" because I'm somewhat anal-retentive about grammar- and spell-checking our sites and advertising materials. They just don't see the need for the semi-colon in porn...