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Old 02-17-2003, 02:06 PM   #29
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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XXX Manager..

dude, are you going to go to war??? Are you willing to take up arms yourself and go fight this battle along side the forces already mounting in the Middle East??

You seem to suggest you know alot about what I do or do not know. You forget, you are only expressing your opinions, dont chastise others for theirs and accuse them of being uninformed. I happen to be very informed when it comes to world politics, by choice.

If you believe that the US does not have economic interests in Iraq, then more power to you. But the fact is, the US helped arm Iraq in the first place. (At the very least this demonstrates the US is fickle in its allegences)

I dont disagree that Saddam is horrible, and I do not doubt that he possesses the ability to follow through on the fears US propoganda is spilling... but does that mean thousands of people must should other countries other then the US have a means to remove him from power.

I have come to this conclusion and absolve myself of this thread...
You have an opinion and defy anyone to challenge it. The UN is not a joke, every nation should have a say in how the world evolves. If war at this piont truly were "a last resort" then I believe there would already be war!!

Killing another human being is MURDER no matter which way you disguise it... and I do believe that it is torture for the less fortunate who are impoverished to have to live on the streets day in and day out never knowing where their next meal is comign from or if they are going to live to see another day!!!
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