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Old 02-17-2003, 02:49 PM   #30
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by dyonisus
dude, are you going to go to war??? Are you willing to take up arms yourself and go fight this battle along side the forces already mounting in the Middle East??
I live in the middle east. I am currently in a state of war. I am willing and have no choice but to participate in the coming war because the leader you suggest we should ignore will bomb israel even though she has nothing to do with him. So the answer to your question is yes.
I ask you - do you use thie objection to war just to excuse yourself for not doing anything to protect yourself but leave that to others.

Originally posted by dyonisus
You seem to suggest you know alot about what I do or do not know....
When someone says the starving people in US and UK is parallel to the suffering of people in Iraq and therefore compare Iraq and US or UK in the seriousness of the situation, you are mistaken.

Originally posted by dyonisus
If you believe that the US does not have economic interests in Iraq, then more power to you. But the fact is, the US helped arm Iraq in the first place.
I didnt say that - on the contrary. But you seem to not realize that there is other thngs beside money - like life, death and security and stability of thew world?

Originally posted by dyonisus
Killing another human being is MURDER no matter which way you disguise it... and I do believe that it is torture for the less fortunate who are impoverished to have to live on the streets day in and day out never knowing where their next meal is comign from or if they are going to live to see another day!!!
What is the point of this paragraph?

Some facts representing some of my thoughts:
US is going to disarm Saddam, which is essential and can not be avoided. The UN you value its opinion has said in 1441 that this is essential and urgent (last chance). Unlike you present the "war" this is not about bombing people. when you look at this war - see its purpose as well, not only the suffering caused. There is a grave danger that will happen if this "war" was not engaged.
Act of force has sometimes bad implications. So does not acting.
There is a phrase saying: "Attack is the best way of defense". You rather sit back and wait for an A-Bomb in your town before acting? Or you are so sure or "know" that is not something thats gonna happen cause the world is such a lovely place.
Iraq and Saddam is a dark and evil regime, you might fail to see that. It means that this regime is a danger for me and you and our way of life. So are many other dictatorships especially in the fundementalist regimes.
I love peace. I love life. I will not sit back and let someone take it from me just because I have no balls doing something. Sometimes you have to stop saying "Its my fault that everyone hates me" and think about it for a minute.

Read my posts and see I dont think war is good - death is good - poverty and suffering is good.
The suffer of the people of Iraq is a bad thing.

If anything, I wonder what you and other thing about that: is the "free" world have an obligation to liberate other people from "darkness"? or if its not in our "backyard" its not our concern?
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