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Old 02-17-2003, 05:16 PM   #35
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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I dont protest war because I am disassociated from it, I protest it because I am against violence of any nature. Should a war come to North American soil, (and I believe that inevitably it will, with far more dire consequences then 9/11) then I will still be opposed to the violence and fighting.

I am aware that Iraq would bomb Isreal given half a chance, but I am also aware that the US wants this war for reasons that extend beyond the salvation of humanity. I am not going to choose the lives of Isreali's over the lives of Iraqi's based on the fact that there is a dictator ruling one of the countries involved.

History has taught humanity nothing over the years. We all have to live in PEACE or how can any of the worlds nations be expected to survive??

I guess the bottomline for me here is this, WHY DOES VIOLENCE ALWAYS HAVE TO BE THE ANSWER?? Whether on the streets in a "free" country or in the battles that exist between Isreal, Palestine, Al Qaeda, Islam, protestant or Catholic... What we should be fighting for is the right to exist in a world where we can feel safe to be ourselves no matter where we are or who we are.

Maybe I am too idealistic, but, I dont see the death of 1000's as an answer to anything if the US wants to disarm Iraq they should disarm the world including themselves!!! But that wont happen because then they would have to sink the $$$ for the armed services etc into real programs like fighting poverty and health care etc!

That is the category I am in.
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