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Old 02-17-2003, 05:33 PM   #37
Pidgin should edit this
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Nice Ideals I would embrace any day if were realistic. Really.
We have this group of orthorox people in Israel called Hasidic. They believe that the bible will protect them against their enemies and terrorists and they don't need army (therefore they dont agree to go to the army).. Do you think we should let them test this theory?

You seem to present this war as intentional aim to kill 1000s of innocent people. You dont seem to think Iraq might be a real threat. I wonder why you think all the reports you hear from so many intelligence agencies including US, UK, Israel, France, Italy, Germeny and others are wrong and you know better?
Maybe I am too idealistic, but, I dont see the death of 1000's as an answer to anything if the US wants to disarm Iraq they should disarm the world including themselves!!! But that wont happen because then they would have to sink the $$$ for the armed services etc into real programs like fighting poverty and health care etc!
hmm.. just to make it clear....
You think its a good idea, which you support - that the US disarms totally and immediately regardless if other countries develop WMD? You think there is a chance "other" countries will see the good idea and will do the same and under no circumstances hurt you in any way?
I can only wish your ideals were right.

Protest is not meant for questioning. Bush was not there to answer their questions. As to the UK protests - Bush is not even in the UK as far as know The only people they could be questioning are other protestors. I think its more sensible to ask people like you on boards what you think since you think differently.
So lets not kid outrselves. Protests are not intelligent way to question the facts, thats what debates are for.
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