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Thread: do you go down?
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Old 02-17-2003, 08:02 PM   #55
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by BuggyG
Ok I for one and for it. No way am done without getting me head between her legs. But took a peek at the pic and I don't know. Looks like he's in pain or something. She playing with clips or a clit ring and he's got a toungestud which we can't see???

ummmmm...what WOULD happen if girl has clit ring and guy/girl has tounge peirced and gets stuck?!?!? How do ya explain that to the firemen when they come with the jaws of life?? Or how do ya get transporte dto hospital and try to act as if nothing out of the ordinary in the emergency room???

Now THESE are some things that make me wonder. Give me somethign to ponder (ummm ponder?!?! WTF!!!) while pass 8hrs of boredom alone at work today.
Buggy I don't have my tongue ring no more .. and that chick doesn't have a clit ring .. However I have gotten my Tongue ring caught on a clit ring many times .. LOL On cam too
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