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Old 09-14-2002, 04:14 PM   #19
Bruno Dickman
Bruno Dickman should edit this
Adult Webverything!
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Originally posted by Horg
That's not a bad idea hehe
Hey Bruno I looked at your site, it's pretty good. I saw the Mission Upskirt site in your portfolio area and I thought I saw that before. Then I remembered that one :
Is it the same one ?
Horg, the one I made is the FPA for the Mission Upskirt Site, it's on the FPAs section of my portfolio right? The Silvercash crew asked me to design FPAs that looked a lot like the sites, so thats what I did!

That Members area thread is very interesting; lets talk some more about it! Where do you guys go to when you need LONG movies? Many AVS sites have hours and hours and hours of full movies, but from what I have noticed, they are all unlicenced. Where can one get licenses for full movies?? How much does that stuff cost?

Also, games... do you think they help to retain the members, REALLY??

Take care,

work hard. play hard.

MSN brunodickman at hotmail.com
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