Originally posted by Danny_C
And don't worry about offending me... it takes more than a disagreement about an issue... especially one with no obvious black or white. Of course people are going to disagree.
Good. I agree. Disagreements the basis of free speech. If everybody would agree on everything there would be no need for free speech
I mean no offense and take no offense in matters of opinions. The fact that I care hearing and responding shows (I think) my respect and value of other people's opinions.
Originally posted by Danny_C
XXXManager: I don't belong to any of those groups you listed. I belong to the group that wants to make the world a safer place to live, rather than destabilizing, bombing, and fuelling hatred toward the U.S.
The group you described does not relate to anti-iraq-conflict protest directly. It is not realistic just "wanting" peace and safety and love without realizing there are some who wish differently. I mean - you can wish it, but sometimes you should act differently. Trying to clarify what I mean - I will ask again: Are you saying US should not have helped Kuwait in the last invasion since Kuwait is not US and fighting Iraq back then was ant of agression and not love and peace? Do you suggest US should stop supporting Israel in the middleeast since that might create hate towards the US among terrrorists? Would you say that US should withdraw from Afghanistan and let the Taliban regain control over there since the Taliban is angry at the US for kicking it out of power? do you suggest to disarm NATO since NATO is an army coalition and armies as you suggest are bad things by principal.
Originally posted by Danny_C
Anybody watch Donahue last night, by any chance? It was interesting to see Donahue and Pat Buchanan agreeing for half the show... on the issue of Iraq.
Nope, didn't watch (what channel?). Only thing I have heard is that Buchanan is an asshole who doesn't know shit

don't know him though.
What did they agree on??