Originally posted by Panky
I'm a woman. I'm also too old to get drafted.
When the idiot enters us into WWIII, how do you think sales will be affected? Will it boost sales? Will it hinder sales? Who would your target market then become? Do you know the demographics of your members, traffic?

It'll get complicated. Without knowing the age distributions of your customers, and the number of draftees, as well as mass psychology and behaviour in time of crisis, predictions are hard to cum by.
Who is buying your products? Young males that were drafted recently ?
Who will find it difficult to find a mate? Should you recycle yourself into the 4-her market ?
Will people fear going out and remain inside?
Will the impending climate of doom make people more pleasure- inclined and thus, have them reduce their consumption of virtual sex because it is easier to get the real thing?
I mean, if it were announced to the population that doomsday would come in 37 days, do you think they's spend their time subscribing to web sites or get to fuck all of their street's neighboors ? Methink sales would plummet.
Of course, we're not at Armagedon Day minus five weeks yet. Hopefully.