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Old 02-21-2003, 10:11 PM   #1
corvett should edit this
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Default Phoenix Webmaster gathering

I have heard some talk lately about the Phoenix area webmasters getting together so I had taken the liberty of spending a few minutes to plan something out. All I had done was choose a spot and time, and call them to make sure that we had reserved seating. If you get there after 8 PM, there is $2 cover, and the drinks are not free, although I might be convinced into buying a round

Wednesday, Feb 26 at around 8:30, at Sugar Daddies (NW corner of Scottsdale and Thomas Road)

The weather should be nice and we have a spot reserved on the patio…I had already mentioned this to a few people, and they had seemed interested.
To those who are not familiar with the place, they will probably have a blues band inside playing, and the place has a nice casual vibe.

The exact address is:
3102 N Scottsdale Rd SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251-7212
If anybody needs a ride there and back, I am sure that something can be arranged

If anybody has any questions/concerns/comments, feel free to reach me at mark@ccbill.com, or ICQ 45471840

thanks chris
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