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Old 02-22-2003, 11:41 PM   #9
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Originally posted by StuartD
mutual changing is good... no doubt.

But what about diet... choice of clothes... appearance.

A guy never asks his new girlfriend to change that stuff... guys know better than to question a girl's looks in the first place.

But women seem to insist on these kinds of changes on guys.... why??
Some women are shallow, insecure, naggers. They have this image of their "perfect" man and they try and mold him into that. It's really not about him. It's how people are going to judge her by hanging around with him. Sometimes to feel good about herself or hold up an "image", she begins not to see the guy for himself. She will try and convert him into her vision of "perfect", thus making her insecurities ease a bit. Women like this will never find their "perfect" man because there will always be something that isn't right.


Some women may say things out of concern for their partner. Maybe health issues or bad habits are taking their tole and she worries. Some women tend to be the nurturers and the glue that holds a family together. She may feel that if things don't change, she may not grow old with her partner or the fear that he can't provide for the family or will not be around for his kids.


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