Originally posted by XXXPhoto

12 Angry Men - Seen it. Both the original and the new version. Both amazing. I mistakenly remembered a different name till I though about it again. I though it was named "the Jury" or something..
Witness for the Prosecution - Think I saw. not sure. Its agatha christy - right?
Casablanca - Classic though I found it somewhat boring. I think I skipped in the middle.
Cain Mutiny - Don't know what it is. Counld'nt find a movie by that name. Do you mean "Citizen Kane"??
Cool Hand Luke - Dont think I've seen.
The Good, Bad, Ugly - Classic. Saw several times

Heat of the Night - Didn't see
Stalag 17 - Didn't see as far as I can remember
King Rat - Didn't see
Raisin in the Sun - Didn't see
The cain one reminded me or Citizen Kane - which is amazing.
Also reminded me of - Great dictator and Dr Strangelove(or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb)

Also - Rear window - which is most probably the best directing by hitchcock.
Name of the rose is also very good.
But from the above I think only 12 angry man fits in my top-10. rear-window might be if I make a top-10 of directing and Citizen Kane makes it to the top-10 for acting.