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Old 09-15-2002, 11:22 AM   #6
RMS should edit this
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Baddog hit it right,

Post to them all, for very little effort you can use the same galleries and have multiple doors/gates to the same gallery, through all the AVS's. Why limit yourself? You never know when someone is going to be ready to buy and where they will be when they make that decision. The greater your exposure, the greater your opportunity.

It's all about stats and probability. If you have a sale ratio of 1:500. Then you need to make sure you get as many groups of 500 through the system as possible.

Try these. FreeNetPass

Access For Life

Just a thought.


PS: Yes, those links do have my referral codes in them.

Last edited by RMS; 09-15-2002 at 11:25 AM.
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