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Old 02-23-2003, 03:05 PM   #1
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Default Tips to seem like a larger company

When you go to a website, or get some spam.. is it really coming from a large company, or from someone who had an idea.... here are some tips... even if you just work by yourself from home, you too can be a large company.

1) Always refer to yourself as "we". ie: We currently make 5 galleries a day.

2) Have more than one email address, even if they all go to you. Good ones are admin, support, sales, advertising and webmaster.

3) Likewise, refer to yourself as different departments. ie: Yes, that image can be editted to show that, let me just get it to our designers.

4) Make yourself head of a department, show it in your sigs. It's nice to be the owner, but people question that. If you're head of sales or something, people think you have a boss, and employees under you.

5) Always talk about the big things in the works... even if there aren't any. "Our team is currently working on something.. due to be out soon."
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
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