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Old 09-15-2002, 11:35 AM   #23
Rox should edit this
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Originally posted by spudnik
This misuse of language drives me crazy as well. I'll often use certain acronyms (e.g. LOL, ROTFL, IMO), but rarely -if ever- will I use something like "ur" or "str8." Generally speaking though, I'm very much a language purist. My co-workers call me the "Grammar Nazi" because I'm somewhat anal-retentive about grammar- and spell-checking our sites and advertising materials. They just don't see the need for the semi-colon in porn...
Bless you, bless you! There are a few of us out there, and personally, I think it's unwise to assume that people don't care about spelling and grammar when it comes to porn. The way I see it, if a company doesn't pay attention to details as basic as spell-checking and having someone with a grasp of the language proof-read their marketing materials, I have to assume that they're not concerned with other details, like customer service. I've seen ads in the webmaster magazines, and banner ads for sponsors that contain errors an eighth-grader would have caught; and I decide right then & there that those folks will not get any of my business, no matter how good their reputation might be or how slick their sites are. I simply believe that if you expect to get paid for your product or service, you need to present yourself in a professional manner, which includes paying attention to things like proper use of the language.

Originally posted by emmanuelle
I own a % of a 2nd hand book store.
I'm SO jealous! Ever since I was a little kid, I've wanted to own a bookstore (what better business for bibliophiles?). Hopefully one day that dream will come true.

Originally posted by emmanuelle
There is of course a time & place for audiobooks. While they dont offer the same creature comforts that a tome does, and are certainly no comparable substitute, an audiobook is far better than other listening alternatives. I listen to them in the car during long trips to make the time pass more enjoyably, although I admit to preferring cheezy novels in the car, and more substantive reading in my hands.
Listening to an audiobook in the car is definitely ok. In fact, here in Los Angeles where many people have long commutes (and where drive-time radio, with the notable exception of Public Radio, totally SUCKS!), it's a freakin' godsend!

Almost finished with Every Woman... The author offers some truly excellent advice and information as well as many resources. The book is definitely a must-have -- for women AND men.
~ Rox ~
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