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Old 09-15-2002, 11:40 AM   #21
RMS should edit this
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sex is like ...

When you walk up to your lady without saying a word... a grim look of determination on your face... she looks at you like, "uh oh... what did I do?" ... you grab her by the hair, just above the base of her neck, and slowly and firmly pull her head back to look into your cold eyes. Your free hand roaming the curve near the top of her ass, never letting her look anywhere but into your eyes. A small, slightly wicked smile passes briefly over your face, just enough to give her an idea of whats coming, just before you crush her lips in a staggering passionate kiss that steals her breath, and turns the bones in her body to jelly.... when done properly she shouldn't know what happened or is happening until she is naked and bound securely, leaving her open, helpless and vulnerable to any and every sensual torment you can inflict on her...

that's what sex is like ...

and sometimes its like a sack of wet mice.
Wet, scratchy, smelly and lots of squeaking and clawing....

but most of the time its like the other thing.

(have a nice day)
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