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Old 02-24-2003, 12:38 PM   #22
Bruno Dickman
Bruno Dickman should edit this
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I listen to a lot of PsyTrance - 140 to 148 Beats per minute, fast melodies and layered FX... sounds coming and going everywhere, non stop

If you want to dig some of that stuff, look for:

ASTRIX (some good songs: visions, noise freak, kali)

GMS (some good songs: SpliffPolitics, At the End of the Rainbow)

Alien Project (some good songs: DJ Where are you, One God, DNA)

Sesto Sento (some good songs: Spank to Tor, Run on Green)

Cyber Cartel (some good songs: Space Embargo, Anno Domini)

Cosmosis (some good songs: Spores from Space)

1200 Mics (some good songs: LSD, Ecstasy)

Zorba (some good songs: The Rush, Into and thru the Vortex)

Skazi (some good songs: Passion, Cost me, Storm)

Well, basically that it! I hope you people download that stff - you might just fall in love with the style

Take care and Best Regards,

Bruno Dickman
work hard. play hard.

MSN brunodickman at hotmail.com
iCQ # 107450119
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