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Old 02-24-2003, 01:45 PM   #6
Raya should edit this
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My name is on the letter head but I do have a partner he keeps me going is my best friend and we make a fine team. We do farm things out when the load it to big but I like to think that when someone calls me and wants me to do a design that I will do everything I can to deliver the goods. I won't ever tell someone the programmer can't do that or the designer says it will take time I will tell them what it takes to get it done give them the info they need. I have always felt that if you say let me check with who ever it's like saying the check is in the mail. As a freelancer I used to hate it when little design shops would say the finance department needs to cut your check and I knew the same guy talking to me was the guy cutting the check. I guess because of that I feel a little different about making myself and the company I run any bigger than it is.

Just my opinion.
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