Originally posted by StuartD
So what you're saying is.... if it starts to get to be too much, I should just walk away?
I have to admit... it feels very pointless trying to make her realize that I don't want to change some things... or that... I can't.
StuartD have her read this post, she may not be open to having others critisize her she sounds like she has her way of doing things and for her it's the right way.
You need to decide if it's right for you. If not walk away. You can't change her and she really souldn't try and change you. Now she may have in her mind, your best intrest in mind. The real question is do you like who you are? Do you want to change? Answer those questions and see what happens.
I have been with people who made me look at things in myself and I have changed because I wanted to change.
If you change to make her happy you could simply become someone you no longer recognize. Change for growth is good change simply to please someone is something else all together.