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Old 02-25-2003, 01:25 PM   #31
twinkley should edit this
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I'm with Cyndalie on this one....

Getting together with Buran totally mellowed me out. I too was a bit uhhhh wild in my single days... (can you imagine?!)

Change is a good thing - if its a mutual thing. Yes, there are gonna be some stupid little things she will want you to change - the same goes for you tho - you will not love every little thing she does, and will want her to change too - thats comprimise.

For example....

As I said earlier - I can be a bit ....wild
Buran, tho not changing me, does reign me in when need be. On the flip side of that, he can be very very quiet, and I will make him go out and be social. We arent really trying to change each other, just working together around potential issues with each others characters - its how we deal

However - the big things she should never try to change. Whats the point of being with someone if you just want to change who they are? If you feel the need to change someone - then maybe you should just find someone that fits what YOU want a little better - everyone will be happier off.

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