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Old 09-15-2002, 02:04 PM   #25
spudnik should edit this
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Originally posted by Rox
I simply believe that if you expect to get paid for your product or service, you need to present yourself in a professional manner, which includes paying attention to things like proper use of the language.
Exactly!! Well-written and articulate copy should be a given in ANY industry. While the absence of grammatical or spelling errors won't necessarily generate sales, it's highly unlikely to lose them.

I can accept - to a point - grammatical errors, because I realize that not everybody has had the same rigorous grammar lessons that I was subjected to by the ruler-wielding, mustachioed nuns at my Catholic elementary school. Spelling errors are another matter, though. It is so easy to run a spell check these days that there's simply no excuse for them in professional writing.

Just my $.03 CDN.
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