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Old 02-25-2003, 05:31 PM   #1
Dean should edit this
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Default Punk's Not Dead: What's your New Top Ten?

Just picked up a copy of MOJO ~ The Music Magazine. Joe Strummer graces the cover and 30 pages are dedicated to Punk: Past & Present. It's a must buy for anyone who shares my enthusiasm.

BUT WAIT! You also get a free CD with purchase, featuring 26 corkin' punk spnankers.

Now, I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV and 9 out of 10 of us actors agree these tracks are kid tested and mother approved - Won't stick most dental work. It's absolutely REVOLUTIONARY!

Here's a list of my top 10 new punk / garage / art-rock interests:

- The Warlocks
- The Hives
- The (International) Noise Conspiracy
- The Raincoats
- The Vines
- Part Chimp
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- The Distillers
- Ikera Colt
- Sahara Hotnights

And if you order now, you also get the Helecopters, the Flaming Sideburns, and the White Stripes new CD "Elephant"!

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