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Old 09-15-2002, 09:07 PM   #2
XxXotic should edit this
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Default Re: Partnership, Per Signup, or Clicks?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
It's a question that gets thrown around a lot, but it seems like the answers or opinions on it changes with the times.

How do you feel about sending your traffic out to different sponsor programs? What do you expect for that traffic?

Share your thoughts...
well it varies for me, for the most part I only push 1 sponsor now, I'll send some random traffic here and there but 90% gets sent to 1 sponsor cuz I know for a fact it converts and it will recurr for me. I used to prefer per signup, but that's slowly leaning towards revshare, never been much of a per click type of person, too many restrictions and rules pertaining to getting paid on those (i've been shafted a few times on per click) especially blind click programs that payout at 100$, pay 5 cents per click but if you so happen to not get a s/u off that 100$ (1:2000) you dont get yer money. I wasn't aware the point to a blind click was to make sales, of that were the case i'd just promote a regular per click program

right now for me

revshare/signup are neck and neck with per click falling way behind
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