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Old 02-27-2003, 11:39 AM   #13
Brad Mitchell
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My 2 Cents,

You're TOTALLY overbuying on hardware. Using that little bandwidth you need nothing like those server specs. Additionally, 95th percentile is a screw - find someone that bills based on average billing. Having an adult website, you will peak easily at 2-3 times your average usage... 95th percentile punishes you for spiking.

Just to give you an example.. I just quoted for someone that was 95th percentile with another large host. On his last bill he paid for 35 megabit at $69 per megabit... so over $2400. His average utilization? Only like 13 megabit. So, with me or any number of other hosts, his bill would have been $500-$800 less.

I've never heard of Unified Hosting so I can't advise you there. I'm sure Candid would do an OK job. I don't know what they're quoting you but it's probably worth researching all of your options before making a final decision.

Best of Luck!


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