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Old 09-16-2002, 11:18 AM   #1
flickstah should edit this
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Thumbs up Have Server... need advice.

Ok, I am really new at all this stuff... well not totally new, over the last year I've been trying to find a way to get into the adult web business. I went to Internext/AVN last year in vegas and got alot out of the trip. I do a rave party community based website right now, so I have the skills necesary to do whatever I need to do. The only thing I lack is a plan. This is very important from what I've learned. I have my own webserver, and I've heard that tgp galleries are the way to start out, but I don' t have the money to throw on top of my dedicated server bill to handle all that bandwidth just yet. So what should I do? I have no source of adult traffic at the moment to support a pay site. Should I rent space to start my tgp galleries from an adult host? Should I host some kind of circle jerk? Should I do AVS? Where can I start off some kind of income from where I stand now? Any feedback would be appreciated.
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