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Old 02-28-2003, 01:08 PM   #43
Ounique should edit this
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Originally posted by pornodoggy
I once knew the words to every song on the first two Monkees albums ...
LOL!!! OMG! I am a huge Monkees fan! I had a video of their movie "Head" before it was rereleased, so it was still really rare at the time. So I ended up seeing "The Real Live Brady Bunch" on stage at Slippery Rock University, and Davey Jones was touring with them, playing himself in the "I Kissed Davey Jones" eppisode, of course. So I took my copy of "Head" to get it signed, and I was absolutely star struck!!! I never get star struck and now that I live in Hollywood I see celebs all the time so it's no big deal. But I digress. So I went up to him, thrust my video in his face and blurted out "Would you sign my head???" Now, keep in mind this was in the early 90s, the hight of my punk days, so he took one look at my shoulder length purple hair, the multiple earrings, and leather jacket with 1,000 pins and spikes and chains on it, and just quietly signed the video and stepped back slowly until I left. Ahhh, memories.
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