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Old 03-01-2003, 05:17 PM   #3
StuartD should edit this
Sofa King Band
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Wow... damn! I knew I was doing well... but still, ya never really think that you're actually gonna win... especially when it's such a kick ass prize!!

Thank you so very much Evil Chris and FunBrunette... and all of XNations. I really have to thank you all for posting in my threads and chatting it up with me. I love it all the time, not just when there's a monitor involved. But this certainly helps

And thank you tons to Spread4U... you guys rock, you know I have always known it. It's a huge testiment to you that you would offer up such a great prize.

Thank you all so very kindly.... I can't tell you how happy this makes me!!!!!

Good work to all who played.... and congrats as well to PornJester for the $100
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
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