03-02-2003, 01:51 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
xBucks: 45,364
I'm a board whore. I'm a member of about 35+ boards. I only post on about 5-7 of those boards every single day. Some boards I'll read and post about once a week. Others, I post about every 2 weeks or so cuz they just don't get the traffic or the board isn't too active.
I scan the board by subject. Sometimes I read a particular thread just cuz I know who started the thread and I know it will be entertaining. 
I read all of XNations threads. Partly because I'm a mod, and partly because this board is so active and we have a wide range of skill and experience in the membership.
I don't think the boards are a waiste of time. Business gets done, a few laughs are shared, and a person can learn from them as well. The boards are a universal tool that connects people that might not have met or done business otherwise. The boards aren't perfect. A reputation can be made and or broken by board "gossip", but they still are a valuable tool for the board owners and for the members as well.
