Originally posted by Feynman
You're just a too clever boy ! Dayum!
No, just a simple inbred country boy actually... I can't even afford decent artwork for my avatar like other boys...
Yes, had one access to more sensitive equiptment and the ability to plot numerous split second readings over duration of the event then one could figure the area under the curve and know the force exerted. As long as this force was always less than the force needed to cause the bridge to collapse (as well as less than the force of the fellow carrying all 3 across the bridge) then all is right with the world...
An astronaut is working on a satellite and looses his safety line to the shuttle. He grabs his tool bag and readies himself to return to the shuttle only to discover that his jet pack has also malfunctioned... With no line to pull him back to the shuttle and no jet pack; how can he return?