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Old 03-06-2003, 07:15 PM   #15
XXXPhoto should edit this
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Originally posted by StuartD
...And it seems that a good 90% of the business does on a regular basis...
Yup, and that 90% isn't making nearly what the 10% who aren't submitting are earning... True there are many folks making a few grand or more a month with TGP's; however, for every one of them there are prolly 1000s that aren't making dick... ;^)

As you might have guessed, making a teen or hardcore gallery isn't going to cut it if ya want to earn more than beer money. Unfortuately, surfers have discovered they can pay for their porn habit by becoming 'adult webmasters'...

Not knocking newbies (or inferring you are one), everyone has to start somewhere; and they serve a purpose in the marketplace for programs seeking reach. I'm just pointing out that they do tend to fuck up a wet dream many times and there is a hell of alot more of them now than in 96... lol

TGPing successfully requires the same set of skills required to run a successful paysite, web board, se empire, or whatever. Use what you know about other business types and apply that insight to TGPs.

In paysites for example, you want to be number one in your niche, create a niche if ya have to (like MaskTV eh?)... Same with TGPing, provide a unique niche and target your marketing message narrow enough to avoid the leeches but robust enough to not loose qualified potential customer.

Just like in se's, ya gotta submit, evaluate, tweak, submit, evaluate, tweak, on and on and on. Also, just like se's; many TGPs now offer paid inclusion options. But unless ya have your shit wired tight then wouldn't try this avenue right out of the gate. Also don't forget that different TGP's often have different rules/requirements. Making a clean version of page, then a dirty version, then a cruel version are options you might consider. There's software out there that will allow you to template out versions for every TGP you want. Optimization, it isn't just for engines... ;^)

Don't think of it as posting a gallery, think of it as posting a commercial... just one of many commercials that Joe Surfer clicks to see. You want to show him something enticing and teasing enough to get him arroused to the point only what you are selling will satisfy his needs and desires. That's what your mindset needs to be to play TGP marketing game (heck, adult game in general) to the big $ levels.

Or not... lol... (reaching for medication)
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