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Old 03-08-2003, 12:16 PM   #11
angeleyes should edit this
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I went from approx. 150 to 100 lbs and I've kept it off for 10 years...after many failed diets fads I simply just started eating 6 small meals per day instead of 2 or 3 large ones. I drink a lot of diet soda which helps me feel full and the caffeine gives me energy--but by no means am I saying this would be a medically approved approach, but it works for me.

There is actually a Beef Jerky (high in protein/low in fat) and Diet Coke diet that I went on for a week to jump start the weightloss........ 10 lbs.

Also, that "I can't believe it's not butter" Spray stuff tastes great on veggies... The WOW Doritos are almost fat free and taste great... Just experiment with lower fat foods and you'll find there are a lot out there that don't lack the taste just because they are healthier for ya.
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