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Old 03-09-2003, 04:25 PM   #10
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Originally posted by HeadPimp
I would actually watch if they were given a canteen, a big knife and a kick in the ass. Send them somewhere nasty and see which one quits last and declare them the winner. That would be entertaining.
I agree. Combine all the characters from all these reality shows, including The Real World, Road Rules, and Jackass, ship them off to maybe like the middle of a rain forest somewhere, Antartica, Sahara desert, the Everglades, or journey across the sea, and let nature take it's course. Afterall, they are called "reality shows".

Oh yeah, include that Crocodile hunter guy too. Would be quite entertaining to watch him piss off a snake, lizard, arangutang, koala bear, lion, polar bear, or walrus.

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