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Old 03-10-2003, 10:27 AM   #26
BuggyG should edit this
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Originally posted by Easton
be affraid, be very affraid... it's 7am right now and i'm drunk, stoned, and high... should make for some good shit... LOL
OK!!! So what ya saying is that this ALL happened after I took off at 6am. SCREW YOU!!! Hook a brother up. COme Easton. I saw what ya wuz carrying in your pocket (NO PUN intented you PERVS). hehehe

Alrighty, but I know now and ima be coming soon. Hehehe but ya had the shirt at the party saturday, could have done something for the contest then. But now that I know, ima KICK your ass! Ima see if can get it going to. Though gonan be hard walking around the office with a t-shirt and everyone in suit and tie. Doubt it the boss man gonan like it.

Alrighty then, make a long story short. Gonan hook up with ya guys this week. shoot the shit and go confess at "church". Been a while haven't gone.

Oh yeah, you be getting the pics by tommorow night. Ima email them to you. And u forgot to attach on your email.
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