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Old 03-10-2003, 11:28 AM   #1
xxxjay should edit this
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Default problems with websitebilling

I am posting this here because I know this is a forum that Evil Chris is quite active in. I know he does not work with websitebilling, but seeing as triple x cash is tied in with them, maybe we can shed better light on what the problem is over there.

I got one check, that was not even for my full amount of sales back in early December. Then through January and Feburary, I sent server hundred sales to CFF. My conversions were great, so I was happy about that. The problem was I hadn't recieved a check, so I emailed them and they replied that they were running behind. Yesterday, I recieved a check from them that was marked as "For slaes from 12-1-03 / 12-31-03" and it was for far less than half of what I was supposed to get. Here is acopy of what I sent them:



I received a check (009037) for my earnings 1/1/03 - 1/31/03 for 258.10. My total of sales for 1/1/03 - 1/31/03 was 603.02.

If this is my pay for that entire month, I am still owed 344.92 for sales in that period.

Is this check only for the sales from the first two weeks of that month?

Please let me know.




I have recently started switching over to CCBill, but it will take me a while to shut off all of the website billing traffic. I am not, a big CCBill fan, that's why I stuck with website billing as long as I have. Now I am starting to regret the decision.

Can I get an honest answer from anyone, about what is going on here. I've seen all of the idiots posting over on GFY. Maybe we can have an intellegent thread about this issue here.
These are my sites:
http://www.snizzshare.com - OCCash
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