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Old 03-10-2003, 12:46 PM   #44
Ounique should edit this
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Okay, here's a cute one for a little known movie called "Pandemonium". It's a parody of horror movies. Carol Cane is playing a young girl who is going away to cheerleading camp, and her mom (Eilene Brennon) is trying to get her to not go. The scene is a take-off from the movie Carrie.

Mom: You can't go away to that camp! Everyone will see your dirty pillows!

Girl: They're not dirty pillows mama, they're BREASTS.

Mom: Not those. Those are titties. THESE are dirty pillows! (and pulls two dirty pillows out of the girl's bag)

Okay, too much set up for a dumbass joke. But it made me chuckle.
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