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Old 03-10-2003, 01:13 PM   #19
McAttack should edit this
I eat paint chips!
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Lots of good tips here. I don't need to lose much weight but I would like to trim a little. 190lbs on a 5'8" frame is borderline. It is to me! hehehe

My biggest problems are that I eat as long as there's food in front of me. I can live off smaller portions, but if I go eat at a restaurant, I'll eat everything. When I'm at home, I tend to make medium portions, but if there's extra helpings, then I eat them.

Also, I never eat breakfast. I know I know, have to do it and all that. I'm just not hungry in the morning, I have a one track mind. Get up, shower, shave, go to the office. I normally like to eat around 2pm, then supper later around 8-9pm. I don't snack.

And to think I used to be a skinny guy with an insane metabolism that would take all the food I threw at it.
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