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Old 03-10-2003, 05:13 PM   #5
angeleyes should edit this
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
You went to the beach!?!? Oh, now I am just twice as anxious for the warm weather to get here!
It has been cold... snowing and blowing these past few days!
Well, don't be too jealous of the beach weather...

1) I was surrounded by very robust (300+lbs) wearing itty-bitty thongs and saw more pairs of "man boobs" than I care to think about.

2) The winters in South Florida are great, but the summers are down-right BRUTAL. (Burning your ass on car seats, having to drive with wads of kleenex in your hands until the steering wheel cools down, cracked dashboards on new cars from the intense heat) and electric bills from running the A/C that make you want to cry.
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