03-10-2003, 08:02 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
xBucks: 45,055
I'm a junkie. I played a lot of games at one point. Quakes, Wolfenstein, Sims, Diablo's, pretty much any RPG where I got to blow things up and kill things. The exception being the Sims. I have a stressful career and being able to come home and blow some alien up on the puter relieved a lot of stress. I don't play games much anymore. I'll get hooked again and then not get anything done.
I'll admit that I spend a lot of money on techie stuff. I luv it. I spend money on shoes, clothes, and all that, but given the option to buy a pair of shoes vs. some software, script, processor, gadget... , the techie stuff wins. Puters and techie things are taking over my shoe fetish. Hell, I just got done swapping video cards so that I could run that 3DNA desktop program. 
I use the puter for work. My puter looks nice, runs fast, loaded with tools that I use to continue to make money online. My puter is a tool, not a toy. I admit I have the case with the window and the colored lights, the flatscreen monitor, and the ergo keyboard, but the software and hardware inside is all about business.
