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Old 03-11-2003, 11:04 AM   #14
MadCat should edit this
Perl Ninja
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My machine rates as "that outdated piece of junk" I think. I'm the proud owner of a Duron 750mhz processor, coupled to a relatively new KTI motherboard, and a relatively new GF2 videocard. It's got a 5 year old SB128PCI in it (I think), and some other assorted goodies. My best piece of equipment? An 8 speed CD-ROM drive.

Then again, I do most of my perl coding on this thing, so it works just fine - runs Linux like a charm. Even runs a bunch of new games fine

My 'test bed' server is a P166 - there's a lot you can do with "obsolete" hardware.
<p align="left">
"You’re getting closer, to pushing me / Off of life’s little edge / Cause I’m a loser and sooner or later / You know I’ll be dead / You’re getting closer, you’re holding the / Rope and I'm taking the fall / Cause I’m a loser, I’m a loser, yeah"</i>
<p align="right">Three Doors Down - Loser</p>
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