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Old 03-11-2003, 01:36 PM   #27
Ounique should edit this
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Location: Hollywood, CA
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Okay, this is by no means a plug or spam because I don't have anything to do with this company or the loopy guy who sells these things, but have you ever seen the Tony Little Gazelle? OMG, my sister has one and it is the most fun thing I've ever been on. It's like a ski machine but the bottom part is rounded so your legs arch up and down instead of going flatt. I hate to work out and I love this thing. You just have to deal the Tony's incessant rambling but if you make your own soundtrack it's a blast.

I'm hoping our content sale goes really well this month so I can order one (okay, now that was a plug). I just found out weigh 210, and that's the largest I've ever been! I'm happy with who I am, but I would also be happier if there was about 40 lbs less of me! LOL! Hmmm, maybe EvilChris and Funbrunette could make a contest out of this. First person to lose 20 lbs gets a new (smaller) X-Nations T-shirt!!!
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